3 Weeks Later SpongeBob Type Cut Away

3 weeks later....... (in my spongebob narrator voice)

So hey..... how's it going..........


It's been about 3 week since my last blog post and WOW does time fly.  I mean full on hummingbird or some crazy fast jet I don't know of or like breaking almost the speed of light..... Well..... maybe not that fast, and definitely not as fun as I feel like approaching the speed of light would be.  Definitely a lot of pressure like it would be traveling that fast.  Let's see what have we been up to..... 

Making candles, fulfilling orders ( THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ORDERS), working our other jobs, preparing for our first festival ( SUPER FRIGGIN STOKED), and trying to not overdo it at the same time.

My knees hurt, that's all I'm sayin

Joint problems aside, it has been a blast these last 3 weeks.  We have had several orders and have been able to pour a few custom moon bowls which I love. Go check those out they are under the collections. I started school back during that time to I forgot to mention so lots of things going on but knowing, believing, and doing all I can do to make everything happen.  Trusting each other to stay on top of orders and creation is the easy part because we love this so much.  It definitely doesn't feel like work turning up Spotify or throwing an album on the turntable and just mixing scents ( new ones coming soon by the way both fall and year round scents), and pouring wax.

This..... Is..... The..... Life..... Seriously. I don't know if it could get any better other than having this be the primary income and the other be part time for insurance. 

Hard Work... Perseverance.... Persistence.... Tenacity....

This is what makes us.  This is what drives us.

Until next time......


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